Use Cases

There are two main use cases for HCSS APIs: 1) interacting with your own data, and 2) interacting with other companies' data with their permission.  The first use case is most common.

Interacting with your own data

Since all of the data is owned and controlled by your company, your application can interact with that data in any manner that you require.  (The data interaction is still limited by API Scopes).  No user interaction is required for this workflow, making it ideal for server-to-server or background applications.  This use case corresponds to Client Credentials Authorization, and is by far the simpler of the two.

Sample applications:

  1. Windows service that automatically syncs changes in your accounting system to HeavyJob.
  2. Web job that polls for new employee skills and uploads those skills into a 3rd party Learning Management System.
  3. Custom website for entering time card materials and quantities for a given job within your company.

Interacting with other companies' data

This is currently in development. If you are interested in becoming a partner, email