How to save an attachment in HeavyJob

This tutorial will walk through how to save an attachment in HeavyJob. These files are used in several places, including the Photos and Docs tool and the Daily Digest.


Files in HeavyJob are organized by business unit, job, foreman, and date. You will need all four pieces of information to complete this process.

  • Business Unit ID
    • For example, from the get business units endpoint

      Cannot find specified operation in definition: heavyjob

      Complete the previous steps before continuing

      Complete the previous steps before continuing

      Complete the previous steps before continuing

Step 1: Upload the File Using the Attachments API

The Attachments API is used to upload, store, download, and share files across HCSS products.

To upload a file, make a POST request to the files endpoint

You must provide the business unit ID, job ID, and file binary.

Step 2: Link the Uploaded File to HeavyJob

Complete the previous steps before continuing

A successful attachment returns a 200 status. The file should be available immediately within HeavyJob.